Sunday, August 30, 2009


Injuries: None. The foot that felt like it was broken last year no longer is a source of pain. The hamstring that was so was tight it felt it could snap at anytime is no longer a major source of discomfort.

Weight: Too much of it. My weight now fluctuates between 150 and 155 and show no signs of going down.

Best mile time in 2009: 7:20.

I run almost everyday. Until recently my typical workout was about 1.5 miles on the track at anywhere between a 7:30 and 8:00 pace. For the first two weeks of August, when I was away and not near a track, I ran double workouts. Mornings I ran between 3 and 4 miles at whatever pace was convenient, but usually around 8:30/mile. Evenings I ran quasi-fartlek, barefoot on the beach. What made it quasi was that I walked between "spints". The sprints were random distances, probably between 100 and 200 yards and were untimed. I did about 10 to 12 sprints each afternoon.

For the last two weeks, I'm back on the track, running between 1 and 1.5 miles at a pace of between 7:30 and 8:00 but have started running 220s. Hopefully, I'll be assauting the 7:00 mile barrier within the next month.


Sub 5 at 50 miler said...

Great! I wish you would give more of these updates! Blogging was quite lonely until recently, when Chris Lennon ,then Shootzy joined in. Can you extend an offer to Shootzy to be an author?

I think you would break 7 easily right now. It's not that fast, and you're already training fast enough to do it. Remember when we used to do casual 10 milers at a 7-minute training pace? What happened?

Sub 5 at 50 miler said...

Can you do me a favor and do a mile time trial? When you asked me to do a 220 time trial, note that I did it without question. But don't hurt yourself.

This would be even better if Harriet would snap a photo of you in action.