Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bozo Buckets!

See Eric's post below about Bozo Buckets. For those who ran track or cross country in the 1976 to 1980 time frame, you know the significance of the bucket and Bozo. It will require another blog and several comments from various authors to explain everything. For now, though, it looks like Target had spies on our cross country team, and pirated our idea! See image attached here. I have also attached a photo of Tom Fusco during the infamous Bucket Relay.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Mark is a fast runner, but still just a simple guy from Houghton, NY, so we never quite know how to take what he says. So, just to clarify, the Bozo Buckets were used on the Bozo The Clown TV show. They are sold at a number of places.

A Google search on Bozo will reveal plenty of information about other Bozos. Our Bozo, of course is Kevin Hardwick. I will leave it to Mark to talk about more about buckets.