Seeing Neil's recent post, I just had to put this photo up...............I may have posted this in the past, but Neil, in case Bonnie hasn't seen this, I'm sure she'll get a good chortle out of it.........
We used to run for Coach Gary Truce at SUNY Binghamton a long time ago! We're over a half-century old now (and yikes, many of us are over 65). BUT we still run, bike, ROW, XC ski, walk, and work out! Please join us, whether or not you ran for Gary!
I still go to the track almost every day and do my workout of a half-mile warm-up followed by somewhere between one mile and one and one-half miles of running. On days when I run less one and one-half miles I typically run some 220s.
What I was pondering recently was whether when I run at slower than a 8:00/mile pace I was running or jogging? Back in my SUNY-B days we defined jogging as anything that was slower than 8:00/mile. My question is that an absolute definition or does that definition change depending on the age of the athlete?
I’m not the first person to pose this question:
What do you think?
The 7-point tennis rating scale is an objective scale based on attributes such as shot-making ability and consistency. A rating is assigned to a player through an evaluation (self or by a tennis pro). Beating an opponent with a certain rating does NOT earn the victorious player the same (or better) rating of the losing player. For example, if 3.0 player defeats a 4.0 player the 3.0 player is still a 3.0 player. The only way for the 3.0 player to improve their rating is to improve their tennis skills.
Here is a link to the USTA document that explains the rating system:
Here are the basic descriptions of the various rating levels:
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I am very impressed with how well Neil is running. I haven’t been able to run that fast since about four or five years ago when we had a reunion at SUNY-B and I almost broke six in the mile (6:03.9). Ever since then it has been a slow and steady decline (incline in times). Most of us are not as gifted as Mark…
1) Regarding knee pain, what I found out a few years back was that shoes make a huge difference. These days you can only get maybe 500ish miles out of a pair of shoes before they break down and stop providing proper support. On at least two occasions the way I cured knee pain was to buy new shoes. Both times, within two weeks the pain was gone. Now I am much more proactive and replace shoes at the second (not the first) sign of them breaking down. It still bothers me to have to replace shoes so often, so I do try and stretch out there use just a wee bit.
2) I know two orthopedists socially and both of them suggest naproxen as the drug of choice for old runners with knee pain. But, you do need to be careful because that can eventually tear your stomach up. I think Aleve is a brand name for naproxen and there are less expensive versions that work just as well.
3) Last year a made a big change in training that has helped a lot, both physically and mentally. I was sick and tired of going out and slogging through four miles at an ever slowing pace. It was just too depressing. I decided that hence forth my normal workout would be shorter and faster. I live very close to a high school track so I started driving to the track and running no more than two miles, but always using my watch to drive me to keep the time “fast”. So, instead of four miles at an eight to nine minute pace I was running one to two miles at anywhere from a 7:00 to 7:30 pace. Some days I didn’t even run a continuous mile. I might do some 220s (yes, I run on a track that is 440 yards), or quarters, or a half and couple of 220s. Of course I’d throw in the occasional time trial and run a mile “all out”.
I don’t have the endurance that I used to have, but I feel just as fit knowing that my “speed” is respectable (for a 51-year old). I haven’t been injury-free but I believe that I’m healthier overall than if I hadn’t changed. When I travel and a track isn’t close by, I still do the same kind of workout, but I just use the sidewalk and my Garmin GPS watch to ensure the appropriate distance and pace.