I actually planned to run a 5K over Thanksgiving, but my mother passed away (after a long illness) so had to scratch that idea. So instead last weekend on went on two snow shoe hikes. Both in New Hampshire White MOuntains
On Saturday climbed Mt Isolation which was 14 miles and over 2,500 ft of evelation gain. Took about 9 hours.
On Sunday did North and Middle Tripryamid about 9.6 miles again over 2,500 ft of evelation gain. Took about 8 hours.
Not quite the exertion of running a marathon, but certainly a good solid effort.
That hiking is quite impressive. Good job Neil!
The Friday after Xgiving I hiked Old Rag Mountain in Shenandoah National Park at a leisurely pace and was sore for a few days after. Old Rag is only about a seven-mile hike. There was a bit of rock climbing involved that was much more difficult at the age of 51 than it was the last time I did at the age of 26, but still, I was surprised how much the hike took out of me.
If Neil can do those back-to-back hikes he is in great shape. Perhaps there is a good Neil-Mark competition shaping up for summer 2010.
Spectacular scenery!! I love cross country skiing, and I think this is why!! And two hikes of 8 to 9 hours each on snow shoes with 2,500 feet elevation climb on each sounds quite impressive. I've never snow-shoed, but after seeing your picture, it looks like it would really be fun. I did a bit of cross country skiing in a hilly, heavily forested area last winter after a heavy snow, and there is nothing like being out in the woods with all that snow...very quiet and peaceful. Now, as for the 2010 competition.......
Sorry to hear about your mother.
Congratulations on the hiking though. Are you trying to accumulate all the 4000 footers in Winter?
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