(No. 399, all black in photos)
Under excellent conditions given the time of year, I met both of my goals for this race (well, I think I did). (1) Break into the top 10 overall, a fairly lofty goal in a race that usually exceeds 400, and had 599 finishers this year. (2) Sub-19 - a reasonable goal, given my 18:48 on the track by myself two weeks ago.
(2nd from right, No. 399 in photo)

The results: 10th overall out of 599, 1st in the 50 to 54 age group, and a time of 18:54 (6:03/mile).
Conditions were much better than typical for this race, with temperatures near freezing and NO wind. The cemetery had a lot of ice before the race during my warmup, but apparently they salted it just prior to the race, and it was no problem. Although in Buffalo, the race had a couple small hills, and lots of twists and turns. I decided to get out fairly fast, because the easiest part of the race is the first mile, on city streets. I passed the mile at about 5:57, the 2 mile at 12:07, then must h

(right top of photo, No. 399, turning final corner)
In the final 400 meters, I moved into 9th place. In reality, when I set my goal of top 10, I was thinking below 10th, or single digits, so I'm not sure I can claim that goal. Anyway, it was a youngster (maybe 15 years old). When I passed him, he said very politely "nice job sir!" Most teenagers these days don't call us codgers sir, so I was quite impressed.....until he blew by me like I was standing still in the last 100 meters!
Anyway, this has always been one of my favorite races. The 18:54 was my second fastest time since I first ran it in 2000 (9 years ago) and ran 18:21. I imagine that with age grading, this might be my best performance.

Now, I'm still thinking about that indoor mile on December 26, if I don't retire from racing before then!
Another outstanding effort by Youngbuck!
Mark, you continue to make us all proud.
Congrats to you and Liz on great performances in the Reindeer Run! It was a little too cold for me and my dog to hit the race, so I settled for a training run instead. Plus, after that ice disaster that the race was three years ago, I've been a bit afraid of that course. Well, if we don't see you at one of races later this month, enjoy your holidays!
I'm guessing you are referring to Mark Racza. I'm actually Mark Raybuck (finished a few places behind Mark Racza). He ended up in the photos on my blog, since I was a bit behind him. But I do appreciate the encouragement and comments. Our blog doesn't get a lot of visitors!
Mark Raybuck
Great blog with valuable info.
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