Note: click on title of post for link to results (then click on Results, then Mueller Mile).
(See number 350 in black)
I finally entered a mile race, and in the pouring rain, was able to lower my season's best time by about 4 seconds, to 5:24. It helped to have some competition, including some fellow 50 to 54 year olds, who were right with me until the final meters (I managed to sneak by them). I guess I could say I'm now 4 seconds closer to a sub-5, but it still seems remote!
What’s interesting is that Mark could have said that was #268 and I would have believed it. In fact, #268 even looks a little like me. This proves once again that all middle-aged bald white men look alike.
I'm glad I mentioned my race number, then! I think that other guy (268) has better biceps than me, though.
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