We used to run for Coach Gary Truce at SUNY Binghamton a long time ago! We're over a half-century old now (and yikes, many of us are over 65). BUT we still run, bike, ROW, XC ski, walk, and work out! Please join us, whether or not you ran for Gary!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Special Holiday Edition: Focus On Health
Mark just had surgery yesterday and should be home by now. He is expected to make a complete recovery over the next few weeks and should be running again before January is over.
I had a small funny looking growth on my leg called a seborrheic keratosis (which is doctor-talk for a small funny looking non-cancerous growth) removed on Monday. It is being biopsied and the expectation is that the biopsy will be negative (which is why the doctor called it what she did). While I was at the dermatologist I had some other stuff looked at that I didn't have any real concerns about and it turns out that I should have been concerned. I have growths called actinic keratoses on my head. These things could become cancerous so the treatment is to attempt to kill them now so they fall off before they have the chance to morph into cancer. The treatment is to put a 5% solution of fluorouracil (a chemotherapy drug) on my head for the next two to three weeks.
Its a good thing that, like Coach Truce, non of us are getting old.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Reindeer Run 5K (literally)!
Deer joins runners in reindeer run! |
We heard from other runners that this deer seems to like the 5K races, and also joined in on a spring 5K earlier this year, also held in the cemetery.
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Raybuck gaining....... |
In summary, I was pleased with the outcome, as I have had a goal this year of breaking 6 minutes per mile in the 5K (18:38), and I had a secondary goal of sub 18:30. Splits were 5:52, 11:55, so the last 1.1 miles was run at a 5:55 pace.....fairly even splits considering the first mile was flat and straight, the 2nd mile wound through the cemetery with sharp turns, and some slight hills. The 3rd mile was also in the cemetery with one more uphill.
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OK, Mark, relax your face! |
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Ridiculous sprint to the finish! |
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Why do we run?
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The Runner's Version of Solitude |
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Epilogue to GVH Championship Day
2011 and 2003 |
Powering home. |
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Less than a mile to go. |
In woods, around 3 miles. |
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Patience Pays off for Raybuck in Harriers Last Hurrah 8K
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Start line (bright blue/black stripe, center of photo) |
At 1.5 miles. |
Uphill, 3.5 miles. |
Overall, a great day! In 2003, I ran a 4 mile race here in 25:17 (6:19 per mile), so running about 6:30/mile for 5 miles 8 years later is not at all disappointing!
Raybuck cuts loose with 500 meters to go! |
C'mon Harry!! Go Striders! By the way, I wrote my team name as Dr. K Striders on the application, but unfortunately, as the only Strider in the race, they removed the name and put UNA (unattached). Should I register a protest??
Full results here.
Monday, November 14, 2011
5K Time Trial Aborted!
Overall, I really feel like I’m in good shape. I ran 18:50 in a certified 5k road race (with a few small hills) last June, and I feel like I should now be able to go 18:20. Thus, I was trying for at least a 6 minute pace (18:36) yesterday. However, a couple problems: First: I ran 5.3 miles on trails with rolling hills on Saturday, because I didn’t want to give up a weekend training day. Should have rested!! Second, finishing up with a 2-week cold, still hacking just a bit, and still felt sluggish yesterday before running. Third, was watching my 4-year old grandson during the day yesterday before I ran, and had to run around the yard a lot chasing him, playing Ben Ten Ultimate Alien (unless you have youngster or grandchild, you may not know what this is).
Next up, an 8K cross country race next Sunday. This one will be very competitive, the championship meet of a 5-meet series in upstate NY, with many good runners (unlike some of my races where I'm close to winning....where Eric aptly points out that I found a race with no competition). If I do well, I could be in the 30 to 40 finishing range (place, not time) out of an expected 150 or men (all men, since there is a separate women's race on championship day). It is a hilly course, and who knows about weather (we're getting snow later this week), so not sure what to expect regarding time. Likely in the low to mid 32s.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Raybuck fails to defend title at Mendon 10K Trail Race
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Yes, that is frost on the ground! |
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I'm on the right. |
Go Striders! Up next, an 8K XC race on November 20. We'll see what happens!
Full results can be found here.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nothing like trail running......
Now this is cross country! |
The cliff. |
Another Raybuck? |
Sunday, October 16, 2011
GVH Mudslog 2011 Preliminary Results!
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Early in Race |
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Running creek, 1.5 miles to go. |
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"Barrel crossing" - 1 mile to go! |
Go Striders!
Full results are at the link below:
Click here for complete results.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Training accelerates!
8 days from now is the GVH Mudslog event, the annual 8.5 miler (well, the mileage changes every year), with single track trails, steep hills, mud, mud, mud, and a pond swim.
This week may be slightly fewer miles, but if I can keep it at upper 20s, I'll be happy.
Stay tuned!
Friday, October 7, 2011
First race over, back to training!
Tonight may be 5 or 6 miles on trails again. Would like to log some good miles this weekend, in advance of the October 16 8.5 mile cross country/trail/obstacle race. My training is not overly conducive to longer races like this, with maximum "long" runs of about 7 miles. I'll try to get one 8 miler in this weekend if I can.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
5K Trail Race: I Won! (or did I)
In that case, it was in part because there were concurrent 5K, 10K, 20K and 50K races going on using the same course.
Saturday, there was only one race, and technically, I finished second out of 80 runners. However, I came home with the first place overall male trophy, and a free 8-hour pass to a local ski slope!
Now for the facts: I ran 20:03 for a 5K hilly, muddy trail race. (about 6:27 per mile). 4 years ago I ran the same race in 20:33 (3rd place) on a perfect, 60-degree, sunny day. Saturday it was 40s, windy, and raining.
One positive note was that I did not feel particularly winded at the end. In fact, I was immediately able to jog around. I think I may not have fully pushed myself, although I kept trying to catch the first place guy, after I moved into 2nd just before 2 miles. I wasn't getting exhausted, but simply felt I couldn't run any faster.
A summary of the results is located at the link here. Full results are posted here.
This was the first race of the "season." Next up, October 16, an 8.5 mile trail/obstacle race that I try to do each year. It includes runs through swamps, mud, various man-made fences, obstacles, creeks, hay bales, and the infamous 50-meter swim through a cold pond at the half-way point!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Getting in shape?
Tonight I hope to be back on the roads, but it will be nocturnal and after dinner.
I am tentatively planning on a 5K trail/cross country race this coming Saturday, so we shall see what Saturday brings..................
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Back on Terra Firma
The beach is nice for vacationing, but not so great for running!!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Beach Running: not what it's cracked up to be!
1. beaches are sloped, in some cases fairly severely, causing some discomfort on the feet and knees.
2. sand is soft! and not meant for running. To overcome this, I ran right at the water level, avoiding the incoming surf, where the sand is somewhat firmer, though still very inconsitent.
3. People fish at the surf line. A few times, I had to run around them onto the soft part of the beach. Annoying!
4. Beach running is slow! I averaged 9:24/mile for 6 miles. A comparable effort on a road or even trails would have been at least 1 minute per mile faster. Just ran 8:01 per mile for 5 miles on trails a couple days ago.
Other than that, the beach scenery and salt air are great! And being September, with temperatures in the low 60s, it was ideal running temperature.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Training update!
Racing plans for the fall are primarily cross country and trail races. I may run a flat 5K road race on Sept. 25 to gauge my fitness. Then I hope to do a 5K trail race on Oct 1, the annual Jensens ultimate XC challenge 8.5 mile hilly trail/obstacle race on October 16 (includes a swim in a cold pond), a 5K national XC race on October 22, a 10K trail race on November 5, and then maybe one more 8K XC race after that. If the snow holds off long enough, I would then like to finish of 2011 with an indoor mile right at the end of December, but we'll see!
Friday, August 26, 2011
About Time for an Update!
Cooler weather hit the northeast, and my training pace dropped suddenly by 10 to 30 seconds per mile. The other day I did 5 miles, nearly all grass/trails, and still averaged about 8:15/mile, feeling great.
The Track and Field World Championships start this weekend, so I'm sure our authors will be posting thoughts and commentaries throughout the championships, so please tune in frequently for updates, posts, and expert commentary!
Monday, August 1, 2011
More heat training
World track and field championships are coming up later this month, so I'm sure there will be numerous posts about the results as they happen.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Summer Heat Wave Over? Training Resumes!
Tennis tonight, then hope to be back running tomorrow. On the tennis side, I had my racquet re-strung and bought new tennis shoes, so we'll see if I can improve on my 0 and 9 match record for the season tonight.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
8K Race Results!
I was a distant second in my age group (50 to 54) to a guy who ran 29:09!!! That is just unbelievable, and makes him close to a national caliber age group runner. He is certainly one of the top, if not the top in our age group in Metro Buffalo.
Next steps: keep training hard this summer (and playing tennis), and hope this work pays off in the fall. Typically, I really don't like to race in summer conditions. Give me 20 degrees, snow and wind over this weather for racing!
There is a one mile road race late in August, so I'll probably get in another time trial or two on the track before then, and then give that a shot. It's a pretty good race, certified course, and very competitive.
Click on title for link to results, or click here.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Training and Racing Update (not retired)
Training update: ran an evening speed workout on the track Monday night to avoid the heat, but unfortunately, it was less than 2 hours after eating a full dinner. I didn't feel sick, but times were slow. I have been doing 8 quarters in about the 81 to 81.5 range. My first quarter Monday night was 88.5!!! The subsequent 7 quarters ranged from 83 to 85, with most of them in the 84 to 85 range. I finished with 2 200s, in 36 and 37 respectively.
Training update: tonight, I plan to drive to a park that has rolling hills, do some warmup running, then 8 repeat hills of about 250 meters each, jogging back down the hill for the rest interval, then a mile or so warmdown. Tomorrow night I have tennis planned again (played last night also instead of runing), then maybe an easy 3 miles Friday to rest up for Saturday's race.
Racing: 8K hilly road race planned for Saturday morning. I've done this race twice in the past, once in over 34 minutes, and then 2 years ago in 32:40. The 32:40 was under perfect, cool conditions. This year, it will likely be over 70 at race time (9 am), so we'll see. I think I'm in decent shape, and I've been doing speed workouts on the track almost weekly.
As you can see, I took your comments under advisement and have not yet retired!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Should I Retire?
Thursday, June 30, 2011
You've Got To Love Track in Europe
This meet was held in Lausanne, Switzerland and was part of the Samsung Diamond league. The 12:59 was a meet record and not too far off the world best time of the year of 12:54. The world record is 12:37 and it is hard to understand how anybody can run that fast. In the race I watched today seven of the top eleven were from Kenya and the other four of the top eleven were from Ethiopia.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Cowart Takes 6th in USATF Steeplechase
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Sub-5 Mile Blues Video
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thoughts on Lukas Verzbicas
Training Update
July 4th weekend I would like to either do another mile time trial or a 5 or 10K road race. For a mile time trial, I really need to invite someone to run with me. These solo runs are getting very difficult mentally.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day Mile Disappointing
Time Trends for Mile |
Thoughts of retiring from competitive running swirled in my mind throughout today's time trial, but they quickly dissipated after the event. Now, back to training!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Garmin Forerunner Problems
1) I have owned a Garmin Forerunner 205 for a few years.
2) With a year or two of purchase the device started to behave badly, randomly shutting itself off. I did everything I could think of to fix the behavior including many web searches and at lease one discussion with Garmin Support and I was never able to resolve the problem to my satisfaction. Based on the results of a Google search I just did it seems that there are now quite a few reports of this type of behavior within the Garmin Forerunner product family.
3) Last year when I was running I got caught in what I would consider a typical summer thunderstorm. It was a soaking and heavy rain, but again, nothing out of the ordinary. My Forerunner got water under the crystal. I did what I could to carefully and slowly dry the Forerunner out. In the end, even though the Forerunner didn't completely die it was damaged such that it was unable to hold any battery charge and thereby was totally useless to me.
Garmin Support offered some suggestions to try to remedy the problem but none of them worked. Garmin Support told me that the best they could do for me was to repair or replace the Forerunner (their choice) for $69. I had to pay the cost of shipping to Garmin and they would pay the shipping cost back to me.
Ragged Mountain Racing
The track at UVa is reing rehabbed so Donnie was at CHS tuning up for the U.S. championships next week where he will compete in the steeplechase (his qualifying time is 8:31). I don't think I had ever witnessed a runner this good this close and certainly hadn't seen anybody ever do a workout like this. It was both inspirational and depressing.
Turns out that primarily through the efforts of the owners Charlottesville's well-established Ragged Mountain Running Shop there is now a program in Charlottesville for highly-talented and committed distance runners to train. Click on the title of this entry for a link to Ragged Mountain Racing.
Donnie did a good job warming up the track for me--I had my best workout in a long time. I ran 11:41 for 1.5 miles and went through the first mile in about 7:54. I wasn't trying to run that fast but I guess seeing Donnie run stirred some muscle memory.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Muscle Memory
If I were to take all the miles I've run in my life, since so many of them were run when I was much more fit, which was when I was in my teens and 20s, my lifetime average per mile is probably somewhere quite a bit below 8 minutes/mile.
Therefore my muscle memory should mean that I'm heavily programmed to run somewhere below 8 minutes/mile. Yet these days when my natural tendency is to run much slower than 8 minutes/mile and running anywhere near an 8 minute/mile place is a lot of work.
Also, when I do run 9 minute miles, if muscle memory were a valid concept, this should have very little impact on future workouts because running a few 9-minute miles changes my lifetime average training pace by very little. However, what I find is that recent workouts are a much better indicator of my future workouts then workouts from my teens and 20s.
Now let's contrast muscle memory with mental memory. Typically, I can recall events from my teens and twenties with much greater clarity than events from much more recent times than, let's say, 3 to 5 years ago.
My belief is that a much better description for my muscular behavior today is LIFO (Last In First Out) and that the tendency towards the LIFO model is accelerating with age. I believe that when I was younger my muscular behavior was much more of FIFO (First In First Out) model than it is today.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Running Water 5K Race!
I was pretty happy with the time (certified 5K course), as it equaled my best post-50 year old 5k time from 2 years ago, and that was on the track.
Click on title for results, or see link here.
Now, back to working on the mile run. There is a good mile race (The Charlie McMullen Mile) this Thursday night, but it is in Rochester, about 1 1/2 hours away, so not sure I'll do that. May just try to get another guy to run on the track with me as a time trial.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sluggish Mile Attempt
Next weekend I'm eyeing a 5K road race.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Back on the Trails (for a day)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Forty Years After a Dream Mile, a Harsh Reality for Track
Published: May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
New Blog Look!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Training Speed Increasing
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tempo Run!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Training going well despite lousy weather
On a side note, please notice that the blog has been updated, with an additional column containing useful information on the left, including a live feed of world tennis news (scroll down). Tennis involves a lot of running, so tennis news is very appropriate for a running blog. In fact, during the recent ATP clay court tournament in Rome, Italy, the announcer was commenting regarding Andy Murray (ranked No. 4 in the world) that he was in great condition from doing 400 meter intervals with 60 seconds rest!
Enjoy the revamped blog! More changes yet to come!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Blog Facelift!
1. New template. color scheme and possibly number of columns may change.
2. New gadgets. planning to add new "gadgets" in the sidebars. May try to see if I can "feed" in some RSS feed info from Runnersworld or another running site (maybe Binghamton's track web page).
3. I updated the posting options to the newer version, so you may see more options when you are creating posts (better control over uploading and formatting photos, etc.).
4. I already added a link to Facebook/Twitter to improve our visibility.
5. I already added a "recent" posts gadget to the right sidebar near the top, for easy access to our most recent posts. I can modify this to show the first sentence or so of each post, but it starts looking a little cluttered.
By the way, i know we're not the most popular site on the web, but behind the scenes, you can view some details of web traffic, and we do get routine hits of our blog from around the world. Germany seems to be the most popular spot. Not sure it these are from real people or just "web crawlers/robots."
Monday, May 9, 2011
A solid week!
This week will be a bit lighter, as I missed running yesterday due to family visiting/Mother's Day, and will likely not be able to run tonight (grandson babysitting duties).
However, if I can keep this type of running up, including the track workouts, I am hopeful regarding improving my mile time.
Monday, May 2, 2011
"Long Run"
According to my Garmin Forerunner 205 I ran 4 miles in 38:20. Pitifully slow, but at least it was the longest run I've done in a few years.
I'll be writing another post soon about some the problems I've had with the Garmin Forerunner 205.
The Wind
The wind is my love
Who knows the wind?
Where blows my love
The wind is my love.
--from the song "Wind" (lyrics by Bob Bruno, performed by Jerry Jeff Walker)
I doubt that Bob Bruno or Jerry Jeff Walker ever trained much for running or biking on Hatteras Island. I think it might be worse in the spring than in the summer. Just about everyday there is a strong wind that is hard to escape since almost all routes are out and back.
The wind makes it difficult to know just how good or bad training is going because it has such a big impact on how fast I run or bike. Further, I don't have an understanding of what kind of training benefits there are from running and biking into a strong headwind.
A typical bike ride for me is about 20 miles. I've been running about 2 to 3.5 miles. Almost everyday I do at least a ride or a run--some days I do both.
Late this week and early next I expect to be on the track running. I'll have a better idea of my conditioning after a few days on the track. I do know that I'm still too heavy.
First track workout of "season"!
Anyway, I hit the track Saturday, the one sunny day we have had in a couple weeks, and did 6 repeat 400s, with about 90 seconds rest between each. I averaged about 81.5 seconds, with the fastest at 79 seconds, and the slowest at about 84.
The interesting part of the workout was meeting a couple runners at the track. I saw a young high schooler doing repeat 200s, so I asked him if he was a middle distance runner. He said he was, and was actually from NYC, visiting his grandmother, and figured he was missing a workout back home, so was conscientious enough to do one. He asked if I still ran, to which I mentioned what I did in college, and that the 1500 meters was probably my best event. He then pointed down the track to his dad, and said his dad ran 3:42 for 1500 in the past, and 4:00 point something for the mile. He likes ribbing his dad for never breaking 4! He also mentioned that his goal was to beat his dad's times, but it was proving harder than he originally though. Of course, he looked like he was only 15 years old or so, so he has some time.
I didn't get a chance to talke to the dad, as I was just starting my quarters, and they were just leaving the track, but they stood and cheered me on during my first 400, which is probably why I ran 79 seconds for that one, when I was targeting 82 (then ran 84 on the next one after they were gone).
You never know what will happen when you head to the track...........you just might run into a 4-minute miler!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Off the Trails!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Trail running in full swing
Friday: 5 miles on trails/grass
Saturday: purchased trail running shoes (Brooks Adrenaline trail)
Saturday: 5. 5 miles on soggy trails/wet grass/rolling hills with new trail running shoes. Averaged around 8:45 per mile. The shoes helped keep my feet drier than normal under these conditions.
Sunday: 6 miles (longest run of 2011) on flat, grassy trails, a bit soggy in spots. Felt very good, especially the second half, and continued to increase the pace throughout the run, averaging 8:19/mile by the end.
Taking tonight off, heavy rain expected.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Spring is time for the Mile Run!
Anyway, the weekend forecast looked grim, but on Saturday afternoon I notices a lull in the winds, and temperature had climbed to nearly 50 degrees, so I grabbed my racing flats, and headed to the track. After a 1.5 mile warmup, I was thinking of starting, then it started raining rather hard. I hid under the bleachers for a few minutes, then thought, that's enough, I'm doing it, so I went back onto the track for a final warmup, and it stopped raining! I quickly switched into racing flats, lined up a few meters behind the mile start line, told myself (out loud) Set! then I scuttled up to the actual start line, then said "Go!" and took off. My informal target for this first mile of the year was 5:40. Since I had run 5:17 last December, I thought that was a reasonable goal.
First 1/4: 83 seconds. Half mile split: 2:50 (87 seconds). 3/4: 4:17 (another 87, so now 2 seconds behind pace). Final time: 5:40.17, just a tad over my goal, with an 83-second last lap.
As I gasped for breath at the finish line, not able to look at my watch for a while, I said out loud "I hate running!" But within a couple minutes, I was planning goals for my next time trial. So I'm not retiring yet!
Not Again!!!!! Spring Training? You've got to be kidding!

Although I don't necessarily mind running in snow, I don't particularly like it after I've already done a few runs with shorts. Will this ever end? Should I move to Charlottesville?
Mark in Buffalo
When Does This Start Feeling Good?
Typically I'm running each day, around 2 or 3 miles.
The biking is pleasant, except when the wind is so strong it feels like I'm not making any forward progress. The running is mostly unpleasant. My quads are almost always sore when I'm running and most of the time even when I'm not running (except when I'm biking).
I think until I get in better overall shape the biking and the running are fighting with each other.
I hope to get be doing some 30 miles rides within the next couple of weeks. I'll be happy if I can run 3 miles and not have pain.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Maybe Spring is Here?
I did 5.1 miles at about 8:27/mile, mostly trails/soft grass. Felt pretty good, but only my 3rd run this week, so I'm just at 15 miles, with 2 running days left in the week.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
3-Mile Time Trial/Conviction and Weather Report
From mid morning to early afternoon I had been working outside, cleaning up from wood-heating season. The sun kept coming and going. When the sun was out, it was very nice. When the sun wasn't out, it was a bit cool, but not unpleasant.
Having finished with the clean-up, I came in, got dressed for running and drove to the track.
Walk from car to track: Overcast, somewhat breezy, cool.
Lap 1: Breezier and cooler.
Lap 2: Breezy, light rain.
Lap 3: Windy, heavier rain.
Lap 4: Light hail, moderate hail, heavy hail. Very windy. So much hail that the entire track was covered in it. Cold.
Lap 5: Thunder, all hail melted.
Lap 6: Overcast, breezy.
Lap 7: Less overcast, less breezy.
Lap 8: Partially cloudy, light breeze.
Lap 9: Similar to lap 8, but improving.
Lap 10: Partial sunshine, light breeze, nice temperature.
Lap 11: Conditions continued to improve.
Lap 12: Mostly sunny, very light breeze, very nice running weather.
Walk from track to car: Sunny, warm, almost no breeze--beautiful spring weather.
Time for 3 miles: 27:38. Not a memorable time, but one of my most memorable runs since I started running in 1972.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
12 Laps
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Getting There
I'm thinking that 6 days/week of running and 6 days/week of riding is a nice way to have 5 days/week of double workouts and have at least one workout each day of the week. (((5 x 2) + 1 + 1) = 12 total workouts/week.)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Good Progress
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Slow and Steady...
Typical spring weather. Beautiful and warm some days, cold and damp others. We might be some snow today and/or tomorrow, but it should be all melted by Monday.
I sure am glad we don't have Buffalo weather here!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Not Again!! (from Frozen Tundra, NY)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Spring Training Update..........Not Again!!!
Anyway, I feel this is a good start for me, as I usually don't get my mileage this high in the "spring." Of course, "spring" here means temperatures in the 30s and 40s.
However, Sunday was warmer than usual (mid 40s), and I played tennis with my daughter outdoors, followed by a 4 mile run.
Now the bad news............2 to 4 inches of snow expected tomorrow!! Oh well, I'm not giving up on "spring" training!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ramping Up
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spring Training Starts?
Sunday: 5 miles, about 8:35/mile pace
Monday: weights and ab lounger
Tuesday: 4.3 miles, 8:38/mile (in the dark after dinner)
Wednesday: 4.5 miles, before dinner, in the light, averaged 8:01 per mile, including 4 fartleks of about 100 to 200 meters each. What a difference running before dinner, and with the sun out. Note that this run was still with full sweats (but not hat and gloves). This was encouraging, and gives me some sense that I didn't lose too much conditioning over the winter.
Hoping to run tonight before dinner also.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Early Spring
After the run I did an easy 30 minutes on the exercise bike--so I've had my first double workout of the year.
My legs are still sore. I'm looking forward to the soreness going away so I can start to run faster.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
"Spring" Training????
I've sort of re-started my training, now that we're close to "Spring" in Buffalo. But it sure didn't feel like it, with either fairly cold rain or snow most every day this week.
Here's a summary of this past week’s training:
Sunday: 3.1 miles XC skiing, about 42 minutes total
Monday: 32 minutes on exercise bike indoors
Tuesday: weights indoors
Wed: 4.4 miles in pouring rain and dark, temp in 40s
Thurs: 4.4 miles in pouring rain and dark, temp in 40s
Friday: 4.3 miles in swirling snow and wind, temp in low 30s*
Saturday: 5.1 miles, drizzle changing to steady light rain, temp in the 40s.
All in all, not a bad training week. Maybe the track will be free of snow soon. I'm itching to get out there an try a mile!
I'm glad Eric's training so I don't have to feel like I'm doing this alone.
*Thought about Frank Shorter while I was running in the wind and swirling snow (although I really shouldn't compare myself to Frank). While training by running uphill in the mountains of New Mexico in the swirling, blinding snow, Frank thought to himself...."I doubt anyone in the world is doing what I'm doing." That made him feel better, and in fact, he said the runs were almost pleasant.