Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Training Update

I must change the subject from biking to running, but I do appreciate all the biking posts. My left hip has had a very slight pain for a couple years, so at some point, I may be in the same boat (or on the same bike).

Anyway, this week I'm down in Potomac, Md, helping out with my father, who is doing ok, but undergoing some chemotherapy treatment. I have run twice so far this week, about 4 miles each. The runs were fairly slow, about 8:45 to 8:50 per mile on my Garmin, but there were rolling hills, and 3 miles of my course is on a gravel/partly paved, very windy course with fairly steep elevation changes.

I hope to run that course again tonight, then may be traveling home tomorrow. If I don't travel home tomorrow, I'll run again tomorrow night.

I would like to do a mile time trial, probably in a week or two, but this year I would REALLY like to get in a bit more distance base. I ran 5:21 last year in the mile, but on a shoe-string budget of about 20 miles per week, with a few 25 mile weeks. If possible, I would like to get in a few 30 mile weeks in a row, and see if that helps, with some longer runs of 8 to 9 miles. Last year my "long" runs were typically 6 miles, with just a handful of 7 milers.

More later!

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