Ok, so I put my 5:29.5 indoor mile (from a sanctioned USATF meet) into a USATF national database, and out came the rankings so far this season. I'm third in the nation, and dipped under the "All American" standard of 5:30. This seems a bit suspicious.....
Somethings just not right about this! All American? Really?? |
Take it! The beauty of being a geezer!
You may have trouble beating an average eighth grader, but by the time that average eighth grader reaches your advanced age he will be sixty pounds overweight and be suffering from some chronic illness.
Age groups are a wonderful thing!!
Okay, I just looked up number 1, Jon Waldron. He's a coach at a fancy, geschmancy private school in Concord, MA. That makes him virtually a professional. Disqualified!
Number 2 is from Kansas. What else has he got to do except run? Disqualified!
That puts you in the virtual lead for your age group!!!
See? It's all a matter of perspective.
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