The sun is out and the temperature is up on the is January day, so, I'm about to head out to the local high school track and run some 220s. Yes, 220s, not 200s. But first, a brief summary of where I stand, running-wise. Since yesterday I turned 50, this seems like the appropriate time. Plus, this delays me having to run for a few more minutes...
The first three times below were run on my own, on the 440 track at Charlottesville High School. My best efforts that come to mind:
1/2 mile: 3:03. I think I could have broken 3:00 is I had to. I ran that right after Xgiving.
1 mile: 6:40 a few months ago. I never actually got to the point this year where I felt I was in a good position to run a hard mile. My training is often interrupted by travel. I had a setback in May when a really bad cramp (during a workout) caused me to curtail most of my running for about three weeks. Right after the 3:03 1/2, more travel came and then winter, and...
2 miles: 14:42. This was about a week ago. This was really more of a paced run than a time trial. It came after about a three week period of very erratic running, so I was pleased. I was also pleased the the whole run was comfortable and the splits were 7:21 and 7:21.
I ran one organized event. It was a 2-mile XC race with a few small hills. The first mile must have been around 7:00 (they didn't give splits) because I totally died in the second mile (this is where most of the hills were, and hills just kill me) and I think my total time was 15:06. It was quite something to be blown by at the end by high school girls and old people. Next year I've just got to find a way to get better on hills.
Of course, I've already heard about these time trials, although I did not hear about the 14:42 2-mile. That is not bad, considering the sporadic running you have been doing. I would really like to see your times drop substantially this year, and I think you can do it, if travel and injuries remain at bay. A sub-6 mile is certainly within reach, and maybe a sub-20 minute 5K.
I don't think the travel will change a lot, but I'm hoping the injury was just a fluke.
For me the key, I believe, is quality. More running on the track at closely monitored speeds and less slogging at 9-minute-type paces.
It would also help, I think, to have some forced milestones. For example, if Mark would come to Virginia then we could have a mile time trial and I would be forced to get ready for it.
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