Well, the season "officially" ended today. I think I did ok, finishing 17th overall out of 444 runners, and winning the 45 to 49 age group. My time? Well, I was shooting orginally for sub 19:20 (about 6:13 per mile). I ran the first mile (flat or slightly downhill) in 6:10, and felt reasonably good. But the trouble with today was that it snowed a couple inches, and 2 miles of this race went through a cemetery, where roads were not treated or plowed. I weaved back and forth a bit on

the road to find drier patches, but eventually, it was almost solid white. The temperature was in the 20s and a bit windy. I went through 2 miles in about 12:32, and finished in 19:28 (6:16 per mile average).
However, I took a look at recent 5K races and compared some of the same folks. Time differentials for the same people ran from about 30 seconds to as much as a minute slower today compared t

o previous (better weather) races. Thus, what I'm trying to say, is that I might have actually been close to 19 minutes, and probably could have easily made my goal of sub 19:20 under better road conditions.
Anyway, unless Kaila wants to run another race, I'm done "racing" for the "season." I do have one bit of unfinished business, though. I need to beat my best mile from last year, which was 5:49, and I only have a 5:51 so far this year. Based on this recent 5K, I think I should be good for around a 5:45 or maybe better at this point. If the weather lightens up a bit (winter storm tonight and tomorrow), I will get back on the track next weekend, and give it a try.
After today, I started thinking about "retiring" from running again...........
1 comment:
Mark is the Michael Jordan of running (keeps talking retirement, but never does). Don't worry--Mark will never retire.
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