It's December in Buffalo, and that of course, means cold and snow. Therefore, my winter training regimen officially began today. No, I am not planning on taking it easy this winter. I worked too hard this fall to lose everything by overeating during the holidays, and laying off of running and working out. After a fresh 13-inch snowstorm yesterday, there was finally enough snow to embark upon my annual cross country ski cross training program. I drove to a local park, and skiid for approximately 35 minutes in deep snow (at least for the first lap). Distances don't mean as much in deep snow, but I probably covered about 2 1/2 miles. In fact, I did not even wear a watch, since this was my first time out this winter, and I just wanted to enjoy the experience. I may use the Garmin from time to time, just for curiosity.
I would be interested to see how others handle winter training. Chris Lennon's biking must get extremely cold by this time of year, and tough if there is any snow. Eric mentioned using a treadmill in his office. Others?
Happy winter training!!!
I bike on my old mountain bike. It has platform pedals that allow me to wear some lightweight hiking boots to keep my feet warm. Hat and lightweight balaclava on the head. Lobster claw gloves on my hands. Warm biking pants, a fleece guide shirt covered by a windbreaker.
First think to get cold is my hands. Below 15F I can't keep them warm enough.
Mostly what stops me is the snow and ice on the roads!
I don't know how you can stand biking in anything below about 40 F! Very tough! Do you have a shower at work? No matter how cold it is, I always end up sweaty and smelly if I run or bike or do any exercise.
Any updates on projected mileage and commute percentage for the year?
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