We used to run for Coach Gary Truce at SUNY Binghamton a long time ago! We're over a half-century old now (and yikes, many of us are over 65). BUT we still run, bike, ROW, XC ski, walk, and work out! Please join us, whether or not you ran for Gary!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Winter Training Officially Underway!
It's December in Buffalo, and that of course, means cold and snow. Therefore, my winter training regimen officially began today. No, I am not planning on taking it easy this winter. I worked too hard this fall to lose everything by overeating during the holidays, and laying off of running and working out. After a fresh 13-inch snowstorm yesterday, there was finally enough snow to embark upon my annual cross country ski cross training program. I drove to a local park, and skiid for approximately 35 minutes in deep snow (at least for the first lap). Distances don't mean as much in deep snow, but I probably covered about 2 1/2 miles. In fact, I did not even wear a watch, since this was my first time out this winter, and I just wanted to enjoy the experience. I may use the Garmin from time to time, just for curiosity.
I would be interested to see how others handle winter training. Chris Lennon's biking must get extremely cold by this time of year, and tough if there is any snow. Eric mentioned using a treadmill in his office. Others?
Happy winter training!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Reindeer Run 5K 2008: mad scramble in 50 to 54 age group!

The long-awaited Reindeer Run finally took place today, under rather cool conditions (low 20s), and windy (10 to 15 mph), resulting in wind chills in the teens. It snowed last night, but they actually plowed the cemetery, allowing for reasonable traction for most of the race, with only a few black ice areas. I prefaced the article with the weather conditions to create a bit of sympathy for my time, which was about 30 seconds less than what I was expecting. I ran 19:50, or about 6:24 per mile, when I was hoping to beat last year's time of 19:28, which occurred under similar
(I'm on the right a couple rows back, beige long sleeves, black hat)
weather conditions, and snowier roads.
The good news was that I placed better than last year: 15th overall out of 456 runners (and joggers/walkers), and 1st out of 42 runners in the 50 to 54 age group. .

I followed my usual strategy of running conservatively the first mile, so that I wouldn't feel lousy at the mile mark. I hit the mile at 6:23, the 2-mile at 12:50 (so 6:27 for the 2nd mile), and then 19:50 at the end (about 6:22 or so for the final mile).
During the final 1/2 mile, I passed several runners, including the guy that took 2nd in my age group (beat him by a scant 3 seconds, and 3rd in the age group was 1 second behind him). Really quite the epic battle for the top 3 spots (hardware spots) in this age group. (I'm in the beige long sleeves, the leftmost in the group of 3, black tights)
In summary, I was pleased, but somewhat disappointed with the sluggish time. This was not completely unexpected, as I know I was not in the same shape I was last year at this time.

However, I am probably done racing for the winter, and with more snow on its way, I will set
tle into running 2 to 3 time per week, and cross country skiing on the weekends when weather permits.

Link to results (in addition to clicking on the title):
Monday, December 1, 2008
November Mileage
Percent bike commute: 47
A month to go. I doubt I'll make 3500, which is a bit of a disappointment. If the weather improves I might be able to tick the percent bike commute up a bit in December. Unfortunately the end of November saw mostly rainy mornings, that's a killer for my bike commuting. I will ride in the cold down to 15 deg F, but I won't start the day riding in the rain.
It is remarkable how few long rides I did this year. Only 3 metric centuries (62 miles) and no centuries (100 miles). I did a boatload of rides in the 50s, but they don't count as "long rides". My wife convinced me not to sign up for any centuries in advance. Her point was that if you sign up in advance and the weather stinks on the day of the ride you either get wet, or have wasted your money.
That idea is fine in principle, except that if you don't sign up in advance and commit your $$ then the motivation to get up and go on the day of the ride is diminished. See, for example, the way that Sub-5-at-50 is preparing for his 5K. He committed himself and now he's preparing himself. An example for us all. Okay, as usual, a goal for 2009 will be to ride at least one century, but this year I WILL sign up in advance.
Good luck in your 5K Youngbuck!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Final Speed workout: countdown begins!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Cortland wins Division III Championship
Of course it means a round of Binghamton bashing, but it's almost worth it to see a SUNY school win.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
2-mile time trial sluggish, but useful

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Training Heats Up as Weather Cools Down
Today, I went to the track for two one mile intervals, with a goal of 6:20 per mile each. The first one was 6:18, then about 4.5 minutes rest, followed by a 6:06. I was a bit surprised with the 6:06, as I did not think it was that much faster than the first mile, although I did kick the last 400 meters or so.
Anyway, I'm thinking that I should be ready for somewhere in the 19 flat to 19:30 range by race day. In fact, I may run one more race the following week, on December 13, since I am really just getting into shape, and I don't want to end the season with all my eggs in one 5 kilometer basket, so to speak.
Any thoughts on how I should train the final two weeks? I ran two longer weeks of training (27 a and 28 miles, respectively, then last week was only 19 miles, but better quality runs. I'm thinking of about 20 to 25 miles this week, again with 2 speed workouts, then tapering on race week, but with good quality runs.
Ironically, while at the track, an old guy was running in the reverse direction around the track, just plodding along slowly and happily, not at all concerned, but perhaps mildly amused by seeing a middle-aged man running a speed workout. This, of course, made me start thinking about retiring from competitive running. Why shouldn't I just enjoy running for the sake of running?
Chris Lennon Keeps Striders Alive!

Hello Mark!
My brother did a Google search for Dr. K. Striders and found the "Mark and Eric's Running & Dave's Wisdom" Blog. (http://bozosbucket.blogspot.com/) God knows why he was searching for the Striders, but I'm glad he did. I had tried searching for the Striders over the years but always came up blank.
I have lost touch with many of the SUNY Bingo crowd. I have exchanged e-mails with Steve Weintraub, and I have kept in touch with Paul Horn. Last year we went to the Binghamton alumni weekend and ran into Mark Peters. I've carboned both of them on this.
Anyway, I was pleased to see the notes on all of your athletic exploits, and I wanted to make sure that you and Eric knew that I w

There is a yearly triathlon there called The Rustman. My wife, myself and a friend, Bill Kemp, participated as a team, and we called ourselves The Dr. K. Striders. I did the swim, my wife, Kim, did the bike, and Bill did the run. Bill, as the runner had the honor of wearing one of the original Dr. K. Striders jerseys.
A picture of my wife riding, and a group photo after the event are attached

I am among the ex-runners (not one but TWO knee surgeries!), but I do bike 3500-4000 miles a year.
Hope all is well with you and all The Striders!
Chris Lennon
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Speed Workout!
Today I broke down and ran an official track speed workout, simply to get the legs used to running at or faster than 5K race pace. With the season winding down, and the goal set at a sub-19 5K, time is running out, and speed has now become critical. Here's the breakdown: I warmed up a mile, then ran 3 800s, and 2 400s. Rest between the 800s was roughly 3 minutes, and only 1:30 between the two 400s. Following the speed workout, I ran a mile home at an 8:30 pace.
800s: 3:08, 3:05, and 2:58
400s: 83, 82
Overall, I was fairly pleased with outcome, although in one sense, I didn't feel bad, so I question whether I ran fast enough to gain the desired effect. On the other hand, I was only planning on 3:10 for the 800s, and sub 90 for the halves, so the lower times were very encouraging. A sub-19 5K is about 6:07 per mile, so I still think I have my work cut out for me. I may run a "tune-up" 5K race next weekend, or at a minimum, hit the track for a 5K time trial.
Raybuck Brothers Spotted Running in Woods!

On Saturday, November 8, the legendary Allegany County running legends, Mark and Michael Raybuck, were spotted running through the wooded trails on the outskirts of a small town in Allegany County, New York. In the late 1970s, if you don't count 1984 marathon Olympian John Tuttle, one name dominated the running scene in Allegany County - Raybuck! (or should I say Raybucks).
But here's the question. More than 30 years later, with Mark Raybuck having turned 1/2-century old, and Michael Raybuck nursing an arthritic hip, what were these two former legends doing running on wooded trails, with sharp topographic changes? Could they be in training for a major comeback? Or, were they simply enjoying an autumn jog through the woods, having retired from competitive running? Satellite photography documented this view of their path, although there was no good way to estimate the pace of the run. This reporter suspects something big is about to happen.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mid-week Training Update: Lactic Acid Threshold Run
Today I wanted to do a speed workout, and since it was unseasonably warm (60s), I ventured over to Bassett Park and ran a lactic acid threshold run (aka tempo run). This consisted of a continuous 4-mile run on grass and trails, with rolling hills for terrain.

Still, I feel I should be running faster, so I will probably do another speed workout on the weekend.
Third Generation Strider in Training

Sunday, November 2, 2008
MSR Training Update
This week was only 17 miles total in 4 runs, but decent quality. And today, I was planning on a track speed workout, but it was so nice, I opted for a longer run. I ended up doing 6 miles, my longest training run of 2008, at 8:29 per mile, including some grass and trails.
This is all leading up to trying for a decent 5K road race in early December. My time last year in that race was 19:28, so at a minimum I would like to beat that, and with some luck, maybe crack 19.
More later.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Two 5K Time Trial Results
The second was yesterday on the track, by myself, and under VERY windy conditions. The wind gusts were strong enough at times to nearly knock me out of my lane, and I was having trouble running in a straight line. The point is that my time was probably 15 to 30 seconds slower than under ideal conditions, but as I did not run a simulataneous control case on a track with no wind, the differential from "ideal" is strictly an estimate.
With that said, the cross country time trial at the local park was run in 21:32, or about 6:56 per mile, and the track time trial from yesterday was 20:24 (6:34 per mile). Given the differential between grass trails with hills and the track, I would still say that the track time trial was a better effort overall. My goal was actually sub-20, but after a 6:42 first mile, and 10:25 at the halfway point, I knew it probably would not happen. Mile 2 came at 13:22 (about 6:40), then I managed to pick up the pace to about 6:20 per mile for the final 1.107 miles. This was a 90 to 95% effort, in which I felt quite winded, and probably could not have run too much faster.
I still have a hopeful season's goal of sub-19 by early December, but that is going to be very tough. This means at least one speed workout per week, and possibly two for the next 5 weeks.
Once again, I'm having thoughts of retiring from competitive running. I'm not sure why I need to go out and suffer at 50 years of age.
Jensen Stables 12K XC Results
The start was through a corn field (I'm number 85, black long sleeves), but we then headed out through a pasture,

obstacles (see lo

Finally, a quick comment on time and place. I ran 1:13:47 for 35th place (as mentioned before). About 8:40 per mile, which sounds slow, but I guess not bad considering I was going 10 to 12 minutes per mile on some of the uphills (per the Garmin).
Link to results:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Run, Fatboy, Run!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Running On The Danube
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Foot
Monday, September 15, 2008
September 2008 Running Update
This was a tough summer for running, general. After a rather sluggish 5-mile race in mid-July at 7:09 per mile, I ran very little for nearly a month. In part this was due to babysitting the grandson, but also summer heat, some travel, getting Kaila ready for college, and clay court tennis season. I typically only ran once or twice per week during this period, plus some tennis.
Since then, I have gradually increased, but I am probably still only at 4 times per week, for a total of about 16 miles. This past weekend, I ran 5.2 miles on Friday, then 4 miles on Saturday, with some brisk fartleks. The clay tennis courts are still open, but I will probably only be playing about once per week, so running is phasing in again.
In short, I hope to be in decent shape by middle of October for my second running of an 8-mile hilly trail race (the one with the pond swim).
I have no times to report, buy may try a 5K on the track soon, just to gauge my fitness, or lack thereof.
More updates later, as i increase my training to prepare for cross country season.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Strider Uniform Made Scholastic Appearance

Monday, September 8, 2008
Younger Raybuck Takes Crack at 5K
Raybuck, due to hip problems, is not able to train with conventional running, so has had to make due with alternatives, sometimes including swimming when preparing for significant time trials such as this recent 5K attempt. Raybuck was exhuberant following yesterday's attempt, with a goal of just breaking 8 minutes per mile. "My first 200 meters was 55-seconds, already 5 seconds ahead of pace," stated Raybuck immediately after the event. "After that, I settled comfortably into 2-minute quarters, like clockwork." This even pacing was strikingly similar to Prefontaine's idea when he decided, shortly before his untimely death, that he would set the world record in the 3-mile run, by running a 12:36. In describing this to Frank Shorter, Pre said "It's simple. I'm going to run 63 second quarters..............63.....boom! 2:06.......boom! 3:09........boom!"
Fans are now hoping Raybuck will attempt another "bad-hip" mile time trial, to improve upon his 6:41 earlier this summer.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Dr. K Striders ran in Fast Company

Eventually, Raybuck made his own headlines without a mention of Tuttle.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Raybuck Moves up to 4.0 Ranking
Although never formally ranked, Raybuck will now claim a 4.0 status (at least for now).
Footnote: This post is about running.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
More Training Insights
Back On Track
Mark's 220
Younger Raybuck improves mile time
"It wasn't easy, and it wasn't fun!" said Raybuck to reporters immediately after the time trial, gasping for breath in between words. I think that's it for the season. But within minutes, Raybuck was "feeling much better" and talking it up about his next attempt. Raybuck, a track coach at Fillmore Central, where he was somewhat of a track legend in the late 70s (4:26 miler, school record holder), has an ultimate goal this season of beating the slowest miler on his squad (6:36). Actually, to be fair, high school times are 1600 meters, so one could safely add 3 seconds to the 6:36, putting Raybuck within a scant couple of seconds from his season's goal.
Raybuck's "claim to fame" are his legendary track battles in rural Allegany County with one John Tuttle, a school boy track prodigy turned Olympian (1984 Los Angeles Games, marathon). Raybuck gave Tuttle a run for his money on more than one occasion, although never quite gaining the edge over the future Olympian.
More to come on Raybuck's summer progress.........
Sunday, July 20, 2008
First Race of 2008 a Hot One
Anyway, I consider all this just preliminary training for the upcoming Gary Truce 5K Autumn Cross Country Classic, only about 3 months away!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Utica Boilermaker History Question
Now, the question is........if this was the 31st running, the first running would have been 1978. Now, I think the summer after my freshman year, which would have been 1977, several Dr. K Striders including myself, my younger brother Michael, and Eric Kaplan, ran a Utica Boilermaker 10 mile road race. Of course, this was the famous race in which the Striders copped a team victory, generating contoversy and a protest from Mark Peters (whom I think was the race director), due to our enlisting of Tom Carter as a Dr. K Strider.
Was this 1977 race, simply a pre-cursor to the first Boilermaker Race? The TV coverage mentioned that the previous race director had died recently, but it wasn't Mark Peters. Also, if you count 1977, this year would be the 32nd running of the event?
I looked up the race history, and it appears that the 1977 10-mile version simply did not count or make history (see below). It would have been nice to think that the Striders had won the very first running of what is now a serious international event.
Maybe due to the contoversial team finish, or the fact that it was 10 miles instead of a 15K, wiped it from the historical records.
Race History
The Boilermaker Road Race was established in 1978 by Earle C. Reed. Reed was looking for a way to give back to the community that had supported his family’s business, Utica Boilers (now ECR International). The 15K road race began with just over 800 runners and a budget of $750.
In 1983, renowned distance runner, Bill Rodgers, not only participated but won the race with a time of 44:38. Rodgers elevated the race by bringing both national exposure and credibility to the event. Since then, the Boilermaker has attracted top elite runners from all over the world, including Olympians and world record holders. The consistent professional management of the race has resulted in its reputation as the best 15K road race in the country. In fact, the Boilermaker has been named by the Analytical Distance Runner as the most competitive 15K road race in the world.
Today, the Boilermaker 15K road race hosts at least 10,000 runners per year. Boilermaker Weekend, which offers events for participants of every age and skill level, has grown to include fitness and special events, such as a 5K Run, 3 Mile Walk, Youth Run, Health and Fitness Expo., and more. Designed around the weekend’s crown jewel, the Boilermaker 15K Road Race, Boilermaker Weekend promotes a healthy lifestyle with a focus on fun, family, and community spirit!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Younger Raybuck Spotted Running a Mile
His training thus consists solely of an exercise bike and stair stepper machine, plus nightly 1 to 2 mile walks.
Raybuck was elated with the time...........having coached at Fillmore High School this past track season, he has a personal goal this year of beating his slowest miler's time of 6:36. And after today's encouraging performance (a 12-second improvement over a 6:57 from 3 weeks ago), he is now considering the possibility of running in the Gary Truce Classic 5K in Binghamton this coming October. What an addition to the entrants that would be..........putting both Raybuck brothers in the Truce Classic, which will be held in conjunction with the Binghamton Invitational Cross Country Event.
More Gary Truce Classic 5K news to come over the coming weeks!
Monday, June 30, 2008
49 Miler's Question
Ah, a common psychological syndrome common in aging males who are also ex-athletes! It is an attempt to relive past glory while defying the realities of advanced middle age. It is most prevelant in Olympic years after watching the trials on TV. While mostly a harmless diversion from reality, there are a significant number of documented cases of self inflicted injuries including sore muscles, torn muscles, strained ligiments and severly bruised egos! Recommended cure: continue to watch the Games and have a beer!
All contributed in jest by Former Runner!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
220 Time Trial by Old Buck
The time? 32.7. My last recorded 200 meters was 29.4 in May 2003, so this is slower, but I am 5 years older now. My last recorded 400 meters, for comparison, was 65.1 in July 2003.
As for whether the new 220 time is representative of what I can do, I was a bit full from a dinner out at Olive Garden, and my quarter in 85 before, then 84 and 83 after the 220 were tough, when just last week I ran a 5:40 mile (averaging 85 seconds).
Now, the question is, what was the rationale for me running this......I risked life and limb to do it!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mildly Encouraging Mile Time
As for myself, I am still running in boring, flat Buffalo, NY. After being sick, and doing minimal running for a week, I ran a 20 mile week or so, then last Friday, I surprised myself with a 5:40 mile, 8 seconds better than my previous best for this year, 3 seconds faster than last year's best time, and even more surprising, my best mile since a 5:36 in July 2005. Now I have some real incentive to continue improving, as I feel like I can "turn back the clock" a little on this aging process. If I break 5:36, it will be my best mile in 3 years, and if I break 5:34, it will be my best mile in 4 years. I could almost say it would be my best mile in about 7 years, because I only ran 5:35 in 2003, and 5:38 in 2002. To improve beyond that is where the problems start, because in 2001 I made an assault on sub-5, running a 5:04 in February, and a 5:03 in December (both indoors).
Anyway, my first goal will be sub 5:34, then the next goals will be sub-5:29.
Any thoughts or advice? I've been running about 20 mile weeks, with a little tennis, and my "speed" workouts have been 4 mile runs with the middle 2 miles run at about a 6:35 per mile pace. Is it time to break down and do some intervals on the track???
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Less is More!
My second concern is that you have subltly and perhaps subconsciously begun to adjust your previous goal of a sub-6 mile by stating that you would try for sub 6, or perhaps just a 2:45 half instead.
Off Track
Tokyo-Charlottesville Training Double
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Response to New Training Paradigm
Firstly, running less for improved performance is an interesting concept, and one that is not totally new. In college, under the great Coach Truce, Chris Cody and I had read an article about running called "less is more." I think it was actually referring to an older runner, perhaps over 70. We presented this concept to Truce as an argument that we were being asked to overtrain. It did not go over well, as I remember.
Anyway, here are my main points regarding the new paradigm:
Firstly, in principle, running less and faster may be a good idea at our age (50) and it may work. However, I have a few concerns and comments. In your previous post, you alluded to your reduction in performance as related to inclines or hills. So, the obvious solution is to eliminate hills or inclines from the workout, and see what the results are. Unfortunately, with your current changes in training, I think you will be unable to determine whether running hills or inclines was adversely affecting you. As a mathematician, you understand the concept of multiple variables, of course. If you review your new paradigm, you will note that you have changed not one, but as many as four variables in your new workout program: removal of inclines, reduction in per run mileage by approximately 50% (or more), running at a different speed (faster), and doing all your running on a track instead of partial road runs. If your interest is in determining whether hills was the ultimate culprit, you may need to go back to 4 miles per day, similar speed runs, and part road part track workouts. If, however, your interest is simply in trying some changes and seeing if you perform better, then your current program may work.
My second concern is that you have subltly and perhaps subconsciously begun to adjust your previous goal of a sub-6 mile by stating that you would try for sub 6, or perhaps just a 2:45 half instead. I would like to see you stick to your sub 6 goal. By eliminating that goal, you are admitting that you may not be running enough mileage, and although I am all for relatively low mileage with good quality, 1.5 to 2 miles per day is probably not enough to garner a sub-6 mile.
Well, those are my primary concerns.
Monday, June 16, 2008
My New Training Paradigm
Running On Inclines
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Minor Training Setback, but Running Again
However, today, I ran 5.5 miles at about an 8:20 per mile pace, and felt very good. With rain forecast much of the week, the clay tennis courts will likely be closed, so I can concentrate on running.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Coach Truce and Former Runner To Reunite in Ohio
News Flash to all!
Coach Truce is in
Quick note on the end of the Hudson High Track season. Our milers made a surprise move at the state championships coming in 2 and 5 with times from 4:17 to 4:18 respectively. This added on to a fifth place finish of our 4x800 relay earns Hudson a tie for ninth place in the team standings. A respectable showing and definitely ahead of pre-season expectations. Our relay has qualified for the national high school championships later this month in
As for Greg, summer workouts have now begun. Wrapped around his coming trip to
Regards to all,
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tennis Season Begins (but this is still about running)
Thursday I played someone more my ability, and won 6-4, 7-5 (after being down 0-3 in the 1st set). This guy was slower, and consequently, it wasn't much of a workout, but still fun.
I only ran 4 times this week for about 17 miles, plus the two times playing tennis. Came down with a cold yesterday, so I am not attempting any time trials this weekend.
Hope to do one by next weekend.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mile Update: Good news and bad news
I guess the lesson learned is that I had not really done any track work in the past 6 weeks. Perhaps this is going to be a necessity for required improvement.
Another bit of good news, though, is that my splits were negative. After a 2:58 half, I came back in 2:50, with a final lap of 83 seconds. This tells me I could have probably run a bit faster with more even timing, but I also think maybe I really wasn't warmed up well enough, and was just starting to warm up during the last quarter.
Next time, I really want to shave some time and go under 5:40. We'll see.............stay tuned.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Some End of Season Surprises
Well the track season is winding up with an exciting flurry!
Greg ran a 53.1 this week in a non-championship division of the conference meet and won. It’s his personal best and while not quite as fast as we were looking for, definitely a move in the right direction. With a strong training program as a lead in to next fall’s cross country season, Greg should be faster and have stronger endurance for next year. Greg did qualify to run the 200 but is unlikely to move out of the qualifying heats. Still in all, it was a good season for him and I think he learned a lot.
Although not involving Greg, the most exciting news for the Hudson High Track Team occurred yesterday in the 4x800 relay.
Despite some earlier setbacks, the season is ending well for
Regards to All!
Former Runner
Training Update: tempo runs

I hope to get out on the track this weekend for a timed mile, which is really the best indicator of progress. The tempo run, as depicted by the SportTracks software (imported from the Garmin GPS watch), is summarized above (or to the left, depending on where the graphic ends up on your screen).
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dr. K Striders Vintage Photos
Monday, May 12, 2008
Confirmed: 2nd generation Strider to attend Binghamton!
Needless to say, this is very exciting news. Should we prepare a jersey? Would Kaila also be the first female Dr. K Strider? Does she even want to be a Strider?
More exciting Strider blogging to come.............with authentic never-before seen photos of Strider legends Mark and Mike Raybuck in uniform!