Saturday, September 2, 2023

Half Marathon Coming Up

 Howdy everyone! I am old.  You know you are old when you qualify for free gym memberships as a "Silver Sneaker."  You know you are old when you play pickleball in the middle of the day with other people who no longer work. To be fair, I still work part time as a free-lancer, but no denying. I am old!

Despite that, my daughter got me into running a half marathon on October 21, so I have no choice but to run more than I would typically like. Today, I ran 6.5 miles, building up my long run to a maximum of 10 miles by mid October, race on October 21.

Any old-man training advice is welcomed. We oldsters have to worry about getting injured or collapsing, etc. My old guy training program does not look anything like my younger days. I limit myself to 3 or maximum 4 runs per week, then cross-train with mainly swimming, pickleball, and some biking. I have come up with an interesting swimming workout/method that I used last winter to prepare myself for skiing at 11,000 feet, and it seemed to help. Underwater oxygen deprivation swims! My max is about 25 yards, but I am now mixing it in with interval-like training, and doing underwater "intervals."  These consist of about 20 yards underwater, with or without fins, followed by 25 yards easy swim back to the start.

Glad to finally be posting again!
