Somehow, I have a knack for finding races where the finish is not so definite. Last year, I "won" a 10K trail race, but noone told me at the finish that I had won. I had to wait an hour until the results were posted, then tell the race director "I think I won".
In that case, it was in part because there were concurrent 5K, 10K, 20K and 50K races going on using the same course.
Saturday, there was only one race, and technically, I finished second out of 80 runners. However, I came home with the first place overall male trophy, and a free 8-hour pass to a local ski slope!

The reason for this discrepancy? The first place guy was on a Father Son team that won first place, so he was ineligible for the overall 1st place award. Needless to say, it was just a bit embarrassing accepting the award! However, I took it!
Now for the facts: I ran 20:03 for a 5K hilly, muddy trail race. (about 6:27 per mile). 4 years ago I ran the same race in 20:33 (3rd place) on a perfect, 60-degree, sunny day. Saturday it was 40s, windy, and raining.
One positive note was that I did not feel particularly winded at the end. In fact, I was immediately able to jog around. I think I may not have fully pushed myself, although I kept trying to catch the first place guy, after I moved into 2nd just before 2 miles. I wasn't getting exhausted, but simply felt I couldn't run any faster.
A summary of the results is located at the
link here. Full results are
posted here.

This was the first race of the "season." Next up, October 16, an 8.5 mile trail/obstacle race that I try to do each year. It includes runs through swamps, mud, various man-made fences, obstacles, creeks, hay bales, and the infamous 50-meter swim through a cold pond at the half-way point!